Weiner calls McDonald “Grandpa” at AARP forum?

7 Aug


In a testy exchange where Republican George McDonald reacted to being touched (on the shoulder/back) by Mr. Weiner — it seemed the two candidates would come to blows. Weiner resorted to a quip of name-calling (using “grandpa” in a derogatory sense) which was captured by microphones in place for the Mayoral forum. It was reported across NYC and then shot-across the country as a national interest story – on Huffiington Post, Yahoo clear out to the SF Examiner.

Oddly the media circus surrounding his campaign up to now — just had helped Weiner with name recognition. He was leading the polls! However, when it was discovered that he’d also carried on with “sexting” young ladies on the internet after resigning in disgrace two years ago — the Public soon was treated to another candidate or at least an alter-ego for the name he used online: Carlos Danger. So, Weiner’s woes are mounting. More Democrats are distancing themselves from him. He’s down to 17% and now trailing 3 candidates when he was leading just a few weeks ago.

It not only doesn’t look good, but now he’s got plenty of seniors worse than disgusted.

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